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£45,042.72 +VAT+RFL
Optional Extras
Tech Pack 68 & Spray in Load Liner
Terms: This offer is only available to VAT registered Business Customers. If you are not vat registered, please contact us for more details.
Cash Price Excluding VAT & RFL | £45,042.72 |
Customer Deposit | £17,554.44 |
Deposit Allowance | £1,500.00 |
Total Deposit | £19,054.44 |
Amount of Credit | £35,386.82 |
Charge for Credit | £7,232.41 |
Finance Facility Fee | £10.00 |
Purchase Fee | £10.00 |
Balance of Amount Payable | £42,639.23 |
Total Amount Payable | £61,693.67 |
Contract Length - Months | 49 |
Monthly Payments | £533.05 |
Optional Final Payment | £17,033.00 |
APR | 6.90% |
Interest Rate (Fixed) | 5.11% |